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Roasted Garlic Habanero Hot Sauce

Roasted Garlic Habanero Hot Sauce is a great tasting hot sauce, perfect for putting on Chicken Wings, Chicken Nuggets or Chicken Tenders. You could…Roasted Garlic Habanero Hot Sauce
Roasted Garlic Habanero Hot Sauce![]() Roasted Garlic Habanero Hot Sauce is a great tasting hot sauce, perfect for putting on Chicken Wings, Chicken Nuggets or Chicken Tenders. You could…Roasted Garlic Habanero Hot Sauce Floating bed![]() My son wanted me to make him a bed, to replace the basic metal bed frame he was using. When I was making my own bed I came across an idea of a bed and…Floating bed Five Gallon Bucket Planter![]() Here is a quick tutorial, with pictures, on how to build a 5 Gallon Bucket Planter. A little backstory. I bought a duplex a little over a year ago and…Five Gallon Bucket Planter Weebly To WordPress Importer![]() I have been developing a Weebly to WordPress Importer, to be able to move a website from Weebly to WordPress. Above is a partial screenshot of the…Weebly To WordPress Importer Camping Canvas Wall Art![]() We needed some wall art, in the living room, so Jeremiah and I picked an image from the pictures I took while we were camping in the…Camping Canvas Wall Art New Tile Floor![]() Between my son and I working full time jobs, any my web work, we decided to redo our Kitchen, Hallway and Bathroom floor. Of course, when you…New Tile Floor Orange Chocolate Cheesecake![]() Filling:5-8 ounce packages Cream Cheese (room temperature)1 cup Sugar2 tbs Flour6 Eggs2 1/2 tsp Vanilla1/2 cup Heavy Cream1/2 cup Orange Juice…Orange Chocolate Cheesecake Oak Workbench![]() I built myself a workbench out of free oak pallets, that a local company would otherwise have to pay to get rid of. Of course they also had 4 foot x 4…Oak Workbench Bed Base Build![]() Start to finish bed base build, complete! ..well except for testing it out. I’ve been wearing a lot of hats in the past year, from driving semi to…Bed Base Build Earn Microsoft Rewards![]() Did you know you can earn Free E-Gift Cards with Microsoft Rewards!?? Well, you can! There is no catch, really… There are a few ways…Earn Microsoft Rewards |